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Tag Archives: module

D&D Next – New Module – “Fires of Hell”

Download a free copy of this adventure here [Fires_of_Hell-Nextl].

This is a complete re-write of the module I posted last year. I updated the entire module to work with D&D Next rules. It also includes converted monster specs – on new color reference sheets.

This  adventure (like the 3.5 version) takes place after a Total Party Kill (TPK).  I modified an old AD&D adventure (The Fires of Dis) to accommodate a group of DEAD PCs to earn a second chance by fighting their way through the first layer of Hell to retrieve a stolen artifact.


D&D 3.5 – Fantasy Adventure Module – “Fires of Hell”

fires-of-hellDownload a free copy of this advanture here [Fires of Hell].

This adventure takes place after a Total Party Kill (TPK).  I modified an old AD&D adventure (The Fires of Dis) to accomoate a group of DEAD PCs to earn a second chance by … well you will see.

It is a version 3.5 D&D adventure for a party of any size and any level (1 to 20).

Let me know what you think about it.