Dungeon Master Assistance

Where anyone over 18 can share thoughts and ideas on RPGs.

Dungeons and Dragons version 5.2?

I have been calling the upcoming release “D&D 5.5”, but now I think it would be better to refer to it as “D&D 5.2”. Here’s why.

After the release of the Player’s Handbook (Sept 2024), Dungeon Master’s Guide (Nov 2024), and Monster Manual (Feb 2025) Wizards of the Coast will release an updated version of the Systems Reference Document (SRD) under Creative Commons. They are going to call this SRD 5.2.
Refer to the notice here: https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1717-2024-core-rulebooks-to-expand-the-srd

Some have been calling it One DnD, or 5.5, or 5e, or 6e, or D&D 20204, or ….
Now that we know that Wizards will be calling the SRD for this version “SRD 5.2”, there is no reason for us to not refer to the full version of the game by the same number as the SRD version.
What do you think?

By the way, it’s D&D not DnD. If you can’t use the ampersand in the name of a file in Windows, that doesn’t excuse using the letter “n” instead of the symbol “&” when referring to the game in a post. – Just a pet peeve of mine.

2 responses to “Dungeons and Dragons version 5.2?

  1. Anonymous May 25, 2024 at 9:10 am

    I’m finally moving away from D&D. Hasbro and their shenanigans have played a part in this, but the reality is after 30 years of fantasy settings (99% in D&D universes), I need something new. New setting, new theme, new ruleset.

    The d20 system was revolutionary, but that was a very long time ago. So many game systems have followed with their own take on the d20 system, but it all ultimately feels the same. The new edition of D&D is not going to change that. 5.5 (or 5.2) is more than likely going to feel like a refinement than a new way to play. Going to bow out of Hasbro, and now is the time to do it.


    • Ronny May 25, 2024 at 9:25 am

      Thank you for your comment.
      I agree with many of your points.
      I haven’t given up entirely on D&D yet. I am still playing 5E. But I am reserving my final decision until after the release of the new Player’s Handbook.
      Unlike you, I am not looking for an entirely new ruleset. But for some of the same reasons you mention I may switch to a TTRPG that is similar to D&D by a different company. I am currently leaning toward Tales of the Valiant by Kobold Press.
      When you do switch to a different game, please let me know which one you switch to, and why.


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