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D&D 5E – Adventure Module AT-02 Quest for the Mithral Sphere

AT-02 Quest for the Mithral Sphere

This is the second adventure in a series of adventures that I will be posting here, that will make up the “Its About Time” campaign arc. These adventures will take a group of adventurers from level 1 to level 20.

Download this adventure for free:
AT-02 Quest for the Mithral Sphere
You may also want these files for VTT:
AT-02 Digital Accessories Pack
If you didn’t get them previously, you will also want these:
AT-01 An Ancient Evil
AT-00 Time Travel Rules

This is the second adventure in the series. It is a D&D 5E adventure for Dungeon Master’s (DMs) to take a group of 2nd level Player Characters (PCs) on an exploration of an island that has way too many undead creatures.
Even if you have no intention of running this adventure, it provides tools you may find useful in your campaign.

  1. This introduces a simplified calendar that I have used in several campaigns.
  2. This a micro-hex crawl. Where hex crawls typically use a scale of 6-10 miles per hex, or 20-70 miles per hex for larger regions, this adventure uses a map where each hex is only one mile across. This micro-hex crawl packs a lot of interesting features and encounters into a relatively small area.
  3. This introduces a system for using a single random encounter table for encounters of different difficulties, depending on which die you roll.
  4. It has 12 new monsters, complete with stat blocks, images and tokens you can use if you are playing on a virtual table top (VTT).
  5. For each encountered monster, it lists the page number where that monster can be found in the Monster Manuel or, for new monsters, in the adventure. It then has an abbreviated version of the monster’s stat block on the page with the encounter.

Check it out and let me know what you think about it in the comments section below.

The next adventure will be a dungeon crawl, “AT-03 Secrets of the Shattered Temple.”

Revision 1 (June 11, 2024): On page 1, I changed “The PCs start this adventure with 1 Time Point.” to “The PCs start this adventure with 2 Time Points.”

I want to give a shout to to Jan Veenendaal. He has a web site that I used to create the stat blocks I used in this adventure. Here is how he describes it:

I created a website where you can create statblocks really easy: you enter the texts, the site does all the formatting. It will allow you to create PNG files, and a few other formats.

The site is free, does not collect data (everything stays on your computer), and is completely open source. Also, it is fine to publish whatever you create using it under Wizards’ Fan Content policy.

The site’s address is:  https://statblockwizard.github.io

Jan Veenendaal

4 responses to “D&D 5E – Adventure Module AT-02 Quest for the Mithral Sphere

  1. Anonymous June 7, 2024 at 8:19 pm

    Wow. This is so generous of you to give this away. Very interesting work, I’m going to follow your releases!


  2. Anonymous June 8, 2024 at 9:43 am

    Loooks awesome!


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